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SIMDRAW is a graphical modelling tool for dynamical systems.

SIMDRAW allows for the structured and hierarchical description of continuous and discrete systems.

SIMDRAW is used for the creation of animation pictures based on SIMUL_R.

Graphical Modelling

By positioning predefined element symbols out of a library of graphical symbols the frame of a continuous modul is created on the screen. The objects are connected by lines, which can be accessed as variables at runtime.

The object library contains

The graphical description is compiled into a SIMUL_R-model and can the be simulated. simdraw_demo.gif (12509 Byte)

Hierarchical Modelling

The BLOCK-object allows for hierarchical structured modelling. By that submodels can be separated and user-specific model libraries can be created. SIMDRAW supports the multi-model-presentation of systems.

Using macros the macro can create own objects with user-defined functionalities.

Animation And Visualisation

SIMDRAW allows for the usage of user defined objects. These Objects are drawn as pixel graphics using SIMDRAW or another drawing program.

By this method pictures for the animation of continuous and discrete systems are built up. The animation is performed using SIMUL_R.

SIMDRAW is available for MS-Windows and X-Windows (OSF-Motif).

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Copyright Simutech 2002
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